Ticket #4

Day 1 Mr. Smith reached to regarding his printer. I went over to assess the issue and discovered that Mr. Smith was having the same problem as Ms. Locke, where by his printer was no longer being recognized by his computer. I followed the same steps I used with Ms. Locke’s issue and was ableContinue reading “Ticket #4”


https://time.com/5593706/hard-work-achievement-mindset/ One project. At the end of the last term, I believed I had gotten a good understanding of Python. After starting this term, I wanted to go onto a harder, long-term project. It has been an emotional rollercoaster, times of happiness when things make sense, and time when I question reality and life itself.Continue reading “PROGRESS IN THE NEW YEAR”

Troubleshooting a faulty adaptor: Ms. Mazzini

On, November 12th, I received an email that there was ticket placed with medium priority. However, upon reading the description of the issue, I knew that this needed to be fixed fast and that I have the ability to do it. When I came to school the next day, the STAT team and I wentContinue reading “Troubleshooting a faulty adaptor: Ms. Mazzini”

Dev. Log #2: Unity Create with Code – Unit One

In this developer log, I will be sharing the beginning of my experience with the Unity Create with Code course. This course takes you on a step-by-step journey into the world of Unity game development and C# scripting. Player Control The first unit of the course, called “Player Control,” had me create a driving gameContinue reading “Dev. Log #2: Unity Create with Code – Unit One”

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